Septic Systems

24-hour Septic System Pumping & Servicing

Call us at 207-725-7727 or for after hours septic emergencies, call 207-449-9140

We provide septic service every day of the year. We build, replace or inspect septic systems, as well as repair broken pipes, septic pumps and distribution boxes. We have certified septic inspectors on staff.

With over 60 years of experience, you can count on us to do the job right!


We offer septic system installation and cleaning, as well as high pressure jetting service.


Certified septic installation and drain field work

Septic tank cleaning

Septic system inspections

Grease trap cleaning

Lift stations serviced

Line camera

Industrial high-pressure jetting service for opening frozen or root infested septic & drain lines


When installing a new septic system…

When you hire us to install your new septic system, the first step will be to obtain a soil design done by a soil designer/engineer. We can help you find and work with the designer. Next our technicians will walk your property and prepare an estimate for you. Prices range depending on design and any necessary site preparation. 

Septic tank with water in background
Pumper truck and ocean view

Septic System Frequently Asked Questions


How often should my septic tank be pumped?

We recommend that your septic tank be pumped/cleaned every 3-4 years depending on the size of your household and water usage. A typical tank holds 1000 gallons and is designed for up to three bedrooms and three to four people. If there are more people in your home, you will need to have it pumped and cleaned more often. If you have less than 3 people or you utilize the home seasonally then you may be able to wait longer than 4 years, however we don’t recommend going over 5 years between pumpings/cleanings.  Call us at 725-7727 to discuss your specific situation.

How does my septic system work?

All waste (i.e. sink, washer, toilet, tub) drains through a pipe from your house to a tank. Paper and solids that are not broken down create the top layer, grey water makes up the middle layer, and broken-down solids collect below, making the bottom layer. Grey water leaches out from an outlet baffle, which then goes to your distribution box, where it is evenly dispersed throughout your leach field.

Can I drive on my tank or leach field?

It is highly recommended that you do not drive, park or build over the tank or leach field. The septic tank and leach field cannot handle weight above several hundred pounds.

What can I flush down my toilet?

Normal human waste, toilet paper, and grey water are the only things recommended to be disposing of in your system. It is not recommended to flush certain feminine products/applicators, baby wipes, paper towels, or cleaning wipes regardless of what the product’s packaging may say. Products that are labeled “flushable wipes” are a huge problem for septic systems - DO NOT FLUSH them.

What can I put in my septic tank to ensure bacteria growth?

Nothing is recommended by us or by the state of Maine at this time. Your system should create bacteria on its own.

What should I be prepared for during the winter months?

Winter in Maine can bring about a variety of problems which can be difficult to diagnose, fix, and repair.  Snow acts as an insulator to your septic system. Often problems arise when there is little snow and cold temperatures, as the frost can get very deep in the ground.  Lines, the tank, or your leach field may freeze or your pump may experience issues. Should any part of your system freeze it must thaw on its own but we can help the situation by pumping the tank frequently (likely monthly) until it thaws. We can also assist in some situations with our high-pressure jetting service.

What can be done if my drain lines are clogged?

Our industrial high-pressure jetting service uses high pressure water to assist in clearing clogged sewer lines and drain lines. Clogged lines can be due to root intrusion or ice buildup, which may be cleared utilizing our jetting service. If the problem is due to root intrusion, we also recommend removing the tree.


Caring for Your Septic System

Septic systems can fail due to poor design or construction, overloading, or inadequate maintenance. If your septic system is properly maintained than it will work effectively for an average of 15-25 years.

What can I do to properly care for my septic system?

  • Inspect your tank for signs of sludge buildup and make sure baffles and tees are in working order.

  • Clean your tank regularly and keep written record of cleanings.

  • Compost food garbage or put it in the trash, not in disposal.

  • Keep a grease can handy. Do not pour into your system.

  • Mark your septic system so you can protect it from vehicles and encroaching trees.

  • Conserve water by installing water-saving devices.

  • Use non-toxic cleaning products.

  • Contact us if your septic system shows signs of failure.


What should I avoid?

  • Don’t use a garbage disposal.

  • Don’t put automotive oil, cooking oil, or grease down the drain.

  • Don’t drive vehicles over the septic system or leach field.

  • Don’t plant bushes or trees over the leach field.

  • Don’t use phosphorus detergents.

  • Don’t pour paint or paint thinner down your drain.

  • Don’t use drain or septic system cleaners.

  • Don’t wait – if your septic system shows signs of failure, contact us immediately.

How do I know if my septic system may be failing?

  • Sewage odor near the septic tank or leach field.

  • Standing water over the tank or leach field.

  • Slow running and/or gurgling drains and toilets.

  • A patch of bright green grass over the leach field in the winter or lush green growth over spongy ground in the summer when other grass is slow growing.

Can I request a grease trap be cleaned?

We do clean grease traps. This is mostly for commercial properties like restaurants, but we can clean most small ones in residential homes as well.